How it Works
Our Process
How it Works
Teachers are best placed to identify children and the families facing financial difficulties, so we work closely with schools to ensure the help goes where it is most needed. We are keen for more teachers and schools to be involved. Please do get in touch to see how we can help.
Step One
Teacher or any member of staff identifies child in need.
Step Two
Teacher contacts the child’s family to tell them about The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund and asks if they would like to apply for support.
Step Three
Tutor/class teacher gives the family an application form. (If your school doesn’t have any application forms then please ask the school to contact The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund.)
Step Four
Family complete application form and return it to the school, who then send it to the secretary of The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund.
Step Five
Children’s Boot Fund reviews application
Step Six
If approved, a voucher is sent to the school who will give it to the family.
Step Seven
Family take the voucher and the child to the registered shoe shop where they can choose from a selection of school shoes. The child chooses from the same selection of school shoes as any other pupil. Apart from handing over the voucher, the family are not identified in any way in the shop or at the school.